The project is located in Kibwezi District (Kibwezi Constituency) and lies within longitude 370 49’ 11.14” East and latitude between 2o 17’ 11.21” South. The project entailed laying out a water supply pipeline from Mang’elete underground springs to Mtito Andei covering about 93 km (intake – last point of consumption).
The proposed project entailed the following:
⦁ Pipeline laying
⦁ 6.1 kilometers pipelines G.I/UPVC- Site Phase II in Nyahururu Town
⦁ 10.0 Kilometers Pipelines G.I/UPVC – Oljabet Town
⦁ Construction of road crossings culverts
⦁ Construction of valve chambers
The project was successfully completed leading to issuance of NEMA EIA license permit for the project.
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