The ESIA study aimed at identifying, predicting, evaluating, and mitigating the biophysical, social impacts associated with the proposed development. This was to comply with the Environmental Management and Coordination Act, 1999 (Revised, 2015).
The proposed project involved construction of Chengoni Bridge across River Mtoo Mkuu which is along Mwarakaya – Chengoni Road U-G (31265) and approach roads of 1km in Kilifi County. Geospatially, the project site lied on latitude 3°53’0.79″S and Longitude 39°42’53.09″E at an altitude of about 13 metres above sea level within the Kenyan Coast. Administratively the project was situated in Kidutani/Mawamba Sub-Location of Kilifi South Sub-County falling on the Mwarakaya and Mtepeni Wards boundary and near the convergence Point of Mtoo Mkuu River and Mwendeje stream.
ECA completed the study project successfully and the client was issued with NEMA permit license to undertake the construction of the Chengoni Bridge and approach road.
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